Below are some of the most common questions our customers have asked us! If you don't find what you're looking for, please send us an email at info@originalsunshine.com

Where do you sell Original Sunshine?

Here is a list of our current stockists. Stay tuned for future updates regarding our stock list, and how to buy online.

How is Original Sunshine gluten-free?

Our gluten-free wheat flour is crafted through a refined process that removes gluten proteins, leaving behind only pure wheat starch with a bready texture. Years of innovation have allowed us to perfect this method to meet our high standards of quality and purity. The result is a product that mimics the rich, delicious taste and texture of traditional wheat-based products, without gluten or health-related concerns.

What if I’m Celiac?

Our products meet (and surpass) the FDA’s gluten-free and celiac suggestions for a diet containing a maximum of 20 parts per million (PPM) of gluten. All Original Sunshine products are produced in our own dedicated and certified gluten-free facilities which ensures there is no risk of cross-contamination. We cannot guarantee the absence of cross-contamination when our products are purchased from our retail partner shops.

*We do not provide medical advice or professional opinions. For any health-related concerns, including celiac disease,
please consult with a healthcare professional.

What does Glyphosate-Free mean?

Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide that has been widely used globally as a plant protection product (PPP). The herbicide has been suspected to be a key reason why gluten intolerance has increased, as well as a factor in the increase of digestive issues and diseases. Glyphosate has already been banned in some countries and most recently the EU has banned glyphosate due to health concerns. Our flour is supplier tested, as well as independent third-party tested to ensure it is glyphosate residue free.


A GMO is a genetically-modified organism. We don’t use genetically-modified (also known as genetically-engineered) wheat for a number of reasons. A lot of the genetically modified grains are designed to be resistant to herbicides (like glyphosate mentioned above) and pesticides leaving behind these residues on the foods that we are then consuming. Additionally, this type of farming requires high chemical inputs, monocropping and yield lower amounts of crops overtime due to negative impacts on the soil and surrounding ecosystem.

Regenerative Farming?

Regenerative farming seeks to maximize the health and vitality of the soil, crops and entire farming ecosystem. With regenerative farming there is a shift away from large-scale monoculture and heavy use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides in order to promote the healing of the farming ecosystem, yielding more nutritionally-dense food, nutrient-dense soil and farmland that can be used over and over again in synergy with the planet.

Are there any allergens in Original Sunshine?

Yes, our product contains wheat. It's important to note that wheat allergies and gluten intolerance are distinct conditions. Being gluten intolerant or having celiac disease does not mean you are allergic to wheat. Specific testing for wheat can conclusively determine if you have a wheat allergy.

How is our gluten-free wheat starch made?

We use non-gmo, unbleached wheat starch that goes through a natural rinsing process to remove the gluten. Our non-gmo wheat is harvested naturally, then carefully milled into flour to be combined with natural spring water sourced directly from the same family-owned farm that growing the wheat. After the flour is mixed into the spring water, it undergoes a completely natural washing process, through multiple separations and filterations where the wheat starch is extracted and gluten is eliminated. We take pride in our flour being produced in a natural way, without additives and enzymes, maintaining a pure product from start to finish.

More about Gluten-Free wheat starch:

Wheat starch is a carbohydrate extracted from wheat grain that does not contain the gluten proteins found in wheat grain or wheat protein. During our natural spring water rinsing process, wheat starch carefully separated from gluten proteins, resulting in a product that is gluten free without additives, chemicals, or enzymes to get there.

Why do Original Sunshine products need to be kept frozen?

Our gluten-free products are crafted with wholesome, preservative-free ingredients. Freezing ensures that the products stay fresh and maintain their delicious taste and texture until you’re ready to enjoy them.

Where can we find your ingredients?

Click the link to see our Nutritional Information

Is your facility Gluten-Free?

Yes. Original Sunshine manufactures all of our products at our dedicated gluten-free facility that is free of cross-contamination, including dairy, nuts, fish, egg, and soy.

Our facility is Certified Gluten-Free, Kosher, and FDA-registered.

Do you wholesale / private label?

Yes, please contact us for more information.